“LEAP” Into Action

In addition to the Mentoring, every youth of THHF will automatically go through “LEAP” Into Action where important elements required to be successful in life are taught in a unique way using storytelling. While learning “LEAP”, they will also learn the process of bringing a story to life on the BIG screen. “LEAP” will also prepare our youth for whatever career path they choose or are called to do, without fear! This will be carried out in various ways to include visits to film sets, educational discussions with selected people in the film industry, and/or having lunch with the CEO of NRM Faith Based Films LLC. Youth selected for THHF must have an interest in learning about the film industry in order for this program to be beneficial to them. Selections will be hand picked by the Board.

What exactly is “LEAP” Into Action?

By the end of a Mentorship period, every participant will be able to apply the following elements below and put them into “Action” in their own lives and in everything they do. And who knows? They may even develop a storytelling bug and create their own film one day in which they may get to yell, “Action!” for. Every youth of this program, will learn:

Leadership - Our youth will learn how to lead effectively and with confidence for any assigned tasks given. This will encourage taking initiative and promote morale amongst their peers.

Empowerment - Our youth will learn how to empower others as they themselves are empowered with learning personal development and problem solving skills.

Adaptability - In an ever changing world and economy, we will teach how to adjust to and/or adapt to unforeseen changes or circumstances that happens in life, in a positive way. This happens frequently in the film industry! Life will throw at you challenging obstacles sometimes that you have no control over; however, if they are addressed with a positive approach, they can be navigated through with less difficulty.

Professionalism - Our youth will be taught how to be professional in a moral and ethically manner, as this is essential for sustaining a career or doing business of any kind in today’s world.

After every activity, our youth will be required to share their experience and how the activity affected them.