Mentoring Program
THHF will mentor youth, ages 12-15, who potentially are being sexually abused currently or have been in the past using the LEAP Into Action. This age group was chosen as we feel it is a great age due to the fact that they are beginning to cross over into the teenage phase of life and are trying to see just where they fit in and figure out who they are. This is a great time to nurture them as they enter into those teenage years and throughout, preparing them for a healthy adulthood.
THHF will connect and receive recommendations for the mentorship program via connection with a Georgia state organization that administers services to child sexual abuse victims, organization with similar goals who might not offer a program that THHF offers, or by referral from an individual such as a parent, school counselor, church counselor, etc. Upon receiving a recommendation, the Board of Directors will review the recommendation and other factors such as circumstances surrounding the potential mentee to ensure our Mentorship & “LEAP” Into Action program will be a good fit for them.
THHF will mentor the designated group of youth on an annual rolling basis. This process will continue until the Board of Directors deem otherwise.
The THHF Mentoring & “LEAP” Into Action Program is still in the process of being organized and plan to launch in 2024.